Black and White

Black and White: Marco Catini

The past year has not been great for traveling to and photographing new places. Marco Catini took advantage of the few available opportunities to explore locations in the New York metro area with his camera. His landscapes and cityscapes are predominatly devoid of people, putting emphasis on shapes and contrast. He often works with long exposure techniques, both during day and night. This new work is done in his favorite colors: black and white. 

Marco was born and raised in Switzerland, but now lives in New Jersey. He is formally trained in Marketing and Advertising with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Working in the advertising industry for 10 years, he developed his eye for composition and visual storytelling. Marco’s work has been exhibited in local businesses, galleries, and museums. His work is featured in private collections in the USA and in Europe. Furthermore, it has been used for documentaries, fundraisers, music albums, a management & leadership book, and self-published books.

For his personal projects he spends many hours in the New York metro area, creating long exposures and looking for new angles. In addition, Marco is passionate about donating his time and photography skills to his friends at Special Olympics New Jersey.

To find out more about Marco and his work follow the links below

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