An exploration of the soul in words and images
Poetry by Nancy Chiarello
Photography by Jane Haslam
Click on a photograph below to see the full image, and read the associated poem

Nancy Chiarello
Nancy Chiarello has worked in many arenas, from corporate to jewelry sales to becoming a licensed massage therapist. Much to her surprise, she began writing poetry at the age of 70. Several of Nancy's poems were published in the online magazine The Dig, created by Bob Beverley. Excerpts from her collection of poems, Soul Writing - Poetry for the Soul, were presented on the Pawling Public Virtual Library podcast, August 2021. Recently, Nancy completed the manuscript for her first children's book, "The Little Lucky Lovely Locket."
You can hear some of Nancy's early poems on her podcast at
Jane Haslam
Jane is a Brit who has lived and owned a photography business in the Hudson Valley since 2009. Her portraits capture the personality of her subjects and her business is in demand throughout the Hudson Valley. In Autumn 2018, she created LAND Gallery as an outlet for her landscape photography. The work is deeply emotional and you can feel the connection with the landscape as her work draws you into the moment.

Fearless Women
I became familiar with the town of Pawling when my daughter moved here 10 years ago. I
myself am a newbie of almost 4 years.
I was drawn to the Land Gallery many times not only for Jane Haslam’s beautiful photography
but also for her interesting life story. One day after chatting with her I was inspired to write
“Fearless Women.”
This poem is for all the women who have broken the glass ceiling but were never recognized
for their accomplishments. Some even sacrificed their lives.
Today there are brave women all around the world who are prisoners in their own country and
battle everyday not only to exist but to reach their full potential which is a true human
right. I salute all of you!
Nancy Chiarello
I feel strongly that life is for living, with no regrets or what ifs. It’s been quite a journey to get to this point and one of which I am very proud. LAND Gallery and my portfolio as a landscape photographer is just the latest stage in my personal development.
Selecting images, and in a couple of cases, taking images to work alongside Nancy’s poems was quite a challenge but one which I am glad to have undertaken. My criteria was that each image should be either new work or work that hadn’t been printed for any previous shows. In the end the process was incredibly thought provoking and really made me examine both Nancy’s words and my emotions at the time of taking the photo. I’ve provided a short explanation of my though process alongside each image and poem.
Jane Haslam