My Yacht
I call my kayak my yacht
But if I were on a yacht
I would not see
Turtles sunning themselves
On a fallen tree
And wonder if they get annoyed
By my presence
Or ask myself
Do they understand human’s need
To be in Nature
I would miss birds flying
From branch to branch
Enjoying the banquets of berries
And the sound of water
Gently lapping around a log
Or just sitting by myself in the quiet of Nature
I know a yacht would have
The comforts of home
But I don't need
A wide berth
Why does this image go with this poem?
“Sitting by myself in the quiet of nature” is often my starting point when I’m out on a shoot. I look, listen and slowly begin to feel the location. In this case I had been up at Nuclear Lake in order to shoot a family portrait. As it was such a beautiful Autumn evening instead of walking back to the car I decided to enjoy the warmth of the sun and just enjoy the solitude. As I sat on a rock looking into the light my attention was drawn to the light and a number of the smaller details that were just begging to be photographed.