If you’re one of the lucky ones to grow old
Be thankful for you have many stories to be told
If the young would listen to what you have to say
They may be spared a miserable day
As your body goes south don’t look at it in disgust
For it has given you many reasons to rejoice
For a life well lived with its ups and downs
You have made it to the next round
And if the day comes when you are too frail
Know the Lord is there with his mighty hand
To help you step forward for the grand finale
And when the end is near you will surely know
That your next step will be a really big show
When in God’s time you are to transition
You will know you’ve completed your mission
With God’s bright light and angels abound
You will know you are no longer earthbound
The glow of love will fill your soul
Your body will be weightless and ageless
And you will see how you were courageous
At long last home sweet home
Why does this image go with this poem?
What story can you tell, why do you look the way you look? Who has passed this way before me, what were they thinking, what were they feeling, what did they see? This photo was taken along the Housatonic River at Bulls Bridge, ct, right alongside the spillway from the water authority facility. I’m guessing the erosion process has been enhanced by the constant heavy flow of water but that doesn't really matter, the rock bed is textured and ravaged by the passage of time, it might be prematurely aged, but it sure is interesting